The winning Georgian project of the call announced in Horizon Europe Twinning (WIDERA) direction - "Initiative of networking and twinning in the field of artificial intelligence in Georgia"
Georgian Artificial Intelligence Networking And Twininng Initiative
The project (ID Project #101078950) was financed in the direction of WIDERA TWINNING, it will last for 3 years and will serve the development of artificial intelligence in Georgia.
The project includes the integration of the "Niko Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics" into European research in the field of artificial intelligence.
In order to achieve the goal, the institute plans to: develop the field of artificial intelligence, including medical and especially psychiatry; creation of an artificial intelligence laboratory and attracting young scientists, masters and doctoral students to it; Involvement of the institute in international research projects, creation and strengthening of connections with the European research and innovation community; Recommendations will be made to bring the management mechanisms of the institute closer to European ones, etc.
With the support of the project, the research group "Artificial Intelligence Laboratory" (MICM AI Lab) was formed in the "Niko Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics" with the composition of 25 scientists. 17 of whom are young researchers. The institute was given the opportunity to hire 3 young researchers for primary research positions. The laboratory will have scientific, infrastructural and financial support of the project for 3 years. In the future, it is planned to maintain the scientific potential created in this direction by supporting the state and/or by finding other sources of funding.
The scientists involved in research will have close scientific connections with European colleagues, will be involved in international research projects. This will contribute to the development of the field of artificial intelligence in Georgia, which in turn will create new opportunities for business development.
It is planned to be involved in the research of the joint DFKI-INRIA large-scale European project "MePheSTO" and to develop similar research in Georgia. The research includes digital phenotyping of various types of mental disorders, which involves the analysis and processing of video and audio material (a recording of a conversation between a doctor and a patient) and biosignals using artificial intelligence, namely machine learning and neural network methods. A Georgian medical corps of this direction will also be created.
![The winning Georgian project of the call announced in Horizon Europe Twinning (WIDERA) direction - "Initiative of networking and twinning in the field of artificial intelligence in Georgia"](