The Mission 'A Soil Deal for Europe’
Within the framework of the Horizon Europe NATI00NS project, on May 27, 2024, in the "Paragraph Tbilisi" conference hall, an EU Soil Mission national engagement event organized by the "Horizon Europe" national office was held, which aimed to increase national involvement in the implementation of the EU Soil Mission. . The meeting was attended by the soil mission-related and thematically interested parties from various sectors. The meeting was held in interactive mode. Guests had the opportunity to share innovative ideas, inventions, best practices with each other.
The speakers were:
Luka Kemoklidze, NCP -- EU Missions - Soil.
Maka Zhorzholiani, NCP-- 2024 calls: Living Labs and Lighthouses.
Besik Kalandadze, TSU professor -- soil, challenges and sustainable management.
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