1. Find a suitable call for proposa

The European Commission and its funding bodies publish calls for proposals on the Funding & Tenders Portal.

  • You may start your search from the home page by entering different keywords that characterize best your field of interest, and then refine the results with the help of further filters.
  • You may start your search by selecting one of the EU funding programmes listed on the home page, and then navigate via the quick links to the calls for proposals of a specific programme.
  • Calls are divided into topics, implemented by different type of actions. Select a topic to read more about the identified opportunity: the topic-related documents, guidance and other instructions are available on a topic page.
  • The site offers a search on calls for proposals and tenders of the European institutions.

2. Find project partner

Read the topic conditions to assess the partnership and other eligibility requirements of a call.

To publish your partner search request or offer, select a topic on the Search Funding and Tenders page. Further help is available in the IT HOW TO.

Use the Partner Search offered in this site to select an organisation based on their profile or their previous participation.

3. Create an EU Login account

Each user has to have an EU Login account to log in on the Portal. If you already have such an account, you can use it for any interactions supported on this site from proposal submission to reporting.

If you do not have an account yet, you need to create it by clicking on the REGISTER button. Otherwise you get access only to the public services of the site (eg. searching funding opportunities, reading guidance, etc.)

4. Register an organisation

The Participant Register is the Commission online tool to register and manage the data of the organisations participating in the EU programmes. It allows consistent handling of the participants` official data and avoids multiple requests to enter the same information.

If you want to participate in a project proposal, your organisation needs to be registered and have a 9-digit Participant Identification Code (PIC). This unique identifier of your organisation will be used as a reference by the Commission in any interactions.

Check if your organisation is already registered, or register it.

5. Submit your grant proposa

How to access the submission system?

Select your topic and go to the Submission Service section of the topic page. Make sure that you select the correct type of action before you start drafting a proposal. The link to the submission system is available, if the status of the call is 'open'. A login with your EU Login account is required.